Specify a File Bundle


You have created a jvm_app target definition for bundling a Scala or Java project and you want to include assets such as config files or shell scripts in the bundle.


Add a bundles list to your jvm_app target definition (more info on jvm_app definitions can be found in Define a Scala or Java Bundle Target).


Here is an example jvm_app definition that shows different possibilities for defining file bundles (and explains them below):

  bundle(fileset=['src/main/resources/**/*')), # 1
  bundle(fileset=['config/*', '!*.xml']), # 2
  bundle(fileset=['src/scripts/*.sh'], relative_to='src') # 3
  1. All files in the src/main/resources directory are recursively included.
  2. All files in the config directory are included, except any .xml files.
  3. All .sh files in the src/scripts directory will be included. The relative_to effectively strips away the specified directory, in this case src, which means that all files in src/scripts would end up in the root of the bundle. If you specified relative_to='src/scripts' instead, for example, all files would end up in the root directory.

See Also

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