Branching Strategy

Naming conventions

Leading up to release development work should be done on a branch in the following format: n.n.xx where n.n is the major/minor version number and xx is the patch level version. Once the branch is stable and ready for release it can be pushed as branch n.n.x. For example leading up to the release of 1.0 we would create a branch with the literal name of '1.0.x' and when we finalize the release we would tag the commit with the release version of v1.0.0. Any future bugfix patches would be tagged in the same branch.

For example:

If you had a bugfix from '1.1.x' that you needed to backport to '1.0.x' you would cherry-pick your changes to the '1.0.x' branch and when ready for release tag the commit with a new patch version.

Release Owner

Current releasers will rotate ownership of the release bi-weekly. The release owner will be added to the calendar for the release they will be responsible for. The owner will be responsible for creating a release candidate and coordinating feedback from the candidate. If a release branch will be cut then the release owner for that week will be responsible for creating the final branch.

Release Criteria

In order to push a release branch the release owner needs to create a release candidate for other parties to test. Once the release candidate has been created we need to provide people with an opportunity to block the release if a problem comes up. To allow for adequate time to test the release we will allow 5 business days for people to raise concerns. When working on a release the releaser would tag commits to the branch with a full version number and rc version. For example: 'v1.0.0-rc1'

Release Cadence

Major and Minor Releases

Release candidates will happen every 2 weeks, provided there are enough user facing changes to warrant a new release. Of the two weeks 5 business days would be allocated to bugfixes and testing by pants contributors. If there are not enough changes in the release cycle or a blocking problem is found then that release candidate then the release will happen in the next release window.

The decision to do a major or a minor release will be based on the impact of the changes. Major releases signify larger more breaking changes. Minor releases however should be compatible with the last two minor releases. In other words if a feature is deprecated in version 1.2.x you should be able to continue using that feature at least through version 1.4.0.

Patch Releases

In order to allow us to react quickly to bugs patch fixes will be released as needed and may include backporting fixes from newer release versions. These releases would update the minor version number and should be beckwards compataible.

Patch releases will be tagged with full version and rc number similar to normal releases. For example: 'v1.0.2-rc3'

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